Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Goodbye :(

My mother has informed me that my blogs are too personal, that I'm given out too much information in them.
So therefore I am to stop creating this.
If she is reading this, I would like her to know that I will do anything to keep posting on this blog.
I would like you to know, mom, that I will go back and change every name, location and whatever else, and stick to the falseness for security reasons, and the well being of others.
Also, there is a thing on here called AdSense and you get payed to put ads on your blog.
Ahh, you can already smell the money, right?

So to everyone else- Goodbye for now.
Until my mom stops being a butthead.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A rant that has nothing really important in it.

Wore shorts for the first time in awhile today.
And I nice tank top.
Someone said it was nice and my reaction:
Am I flashing people?
I have some amazing friends.
I unfriended two people today on facebook.
I don't wanna talk about it.
They make me on stab someone.
You know, in the I wanna kill you with a fork kind of way.
But that's normal.
God, I am so tired.
Thats what she said.
Just nasty.
No one one a hand job aired on television.
Except porn stars.
Is it sad that I know stuff like that?
At least I've never experienced stuff like that.
Im sure Slutty McWhoreface has though.
I moved back to the school and you know what someone tells me about her?
They tell me she got fingered by this other chicks boyfriend.
Oh, speaking of doing the nastehh.
Did I tell you guys of the monstrosities of BOB?
You know, the one about what horrible, horrible thing he did to a girl whilst she was on her period?
You can only guess.
Because I wont say it.
It's too gross.
I love One Tree Hill.
And Glee.
And My Life as Liz.
And then so did Bryson!
Stupid show is turning into an episode of Secret Life.
Someone save us now.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friend Request from a Vampire

Oh yeah.
You hear me right.

I get home from a day of shopping with my mom and I check my Facebook notifications.

There it is.

The dreaded frien request that has been anticipated for months.

Part of me wants to accept, for all the terrible things I could say would make my day.
But then again.
What if he bugs me all the time? Tries IMin me and messaging me talking about his bloodsucking hobby....?

You just can't friend your enemies unless you have a plan.

And I, as a Green Lantern, have a plan.

Let the battle commence.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The teacher of doom.

Everyone has that one teacher that they hate, who hates them back.
Mine would be my industrial tech teacher, Ms. Langston.

She let's kids do the stupidest crap in her class and today I got introuble for standing near a group of talking people.
They were talking.
I wasn't.
Yet somehow, I end up getting called useless by her.
Like, really?
I'M useless?

People in her class have gotten some major injuries. Some of the stain and stuff is toxic, and technically illegal for people under 18.
Kids cuss, fight, and various other things during her class.
And she let's it happen.
And so does the school for some reason?
Like, sure I guess shop can be fun an all.
But I'm not a very...
Basically. I don't like to take risks.
I hate the machines because she yells us these stories about people getting there hands sawed of or whatever and I'm like, "Withbmy luck, that'll be me."
And she's always telling me what to do.
She's just like my art teacher Mr. Ibanez.
I think, that if a teacher assigns you a project, like, let's say a portrait painting;
And your given the basic criteria to pass, you should do with it as you wish.
Because that'll unleash personal creativity, correct?
And if you jack it up, or it looks hideous, then it's yourfault.
As long as you learned that green and red mix to create brown in the end, that's all that should matter.
That ou learned at least something.

But it shop you don learn.
You make projects, and have to pay her for the wood or metal.
And you can't take home the project until you pay her.

But if she thinks I'm paying 12 bucks for my own piece of crap box, then she's more insane then I though.

Bus Orgasm Boy recently learned of thus nickname.
He also went to SAC for threatening Mark.
He had said, and I quote, "One of these days I'm gonna beat the shit out of you."
Finally came the day when I teacher heard his words of stupidity and sent him to the office.

Unfortunately, however, he is to be released (I'm preparing for my speech against him when he's sent to prison) tomorrow.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Day I Almost Died

On Saturday, April 30, 2011, I was almost murdered by my own mother.
In all seriousness I had planned to spend the day with my good friend, Mark, as you guys know.
However, I seem to have misplaced some information when I was explaining the details of the day to my mother?
Thus, at around 2 pm she calls me and asks me where I'm at.
I tell her I'm at McDonald's, even though I had been but wasn't currently at.
I won't get into too muh detail, but I was forced into requesting further transportation from the Movie Tavern in Fort Worth from Mark's father.

When we arrived back at my house, Mark and I exchanged a very awkward hug.
Though, I must admit, saying goodbye to people is always awkward.
You're not quite sure whether to hug, shake hands, wave, or, God forbid, simply say your farewells.
Of course, if you're cool like mark and I you can laugh about the awkwardness of the goodbye hug you just shared over a text.
And facebook.

Luckily my mom never yelled at me again an the whole subject has completely been obliterated between the two of us, as far as I am concerned.

Happy May day, everyone, by the way.
Especially since America kicked Osama's ass.
The very man who planned the events that occurred in New York in the September of 2001 is now, in fact, dead.
Although I am completely unaware of any causes of his deth, or a possible execution.
However, I do know that he absolutely, completely, and irrevocably deserved it.

For an extra twist I decided to make this blog post seem a little more informative and professional.
But in turn it makes me feel ten times as nerdy.

Want to know something that disgusted me?
Derian's chesticular area and abdominals (or lack there of, I should say.)
Yes, indeed, I have witnessed an unfortunately horrible site involving my arch nemesis.
(I don't believe I've told you this before, but I'm a Green Lantern. And he's a phsyco.)
How did I witness such a horrible thing?

Well, a friend of mine on Facebook posted some pictures from her boyfriends birthday party, a paintball party thing.
Apparently Derian was invited.
So he took it upon himself to not wear a shirt in any of the photos that were taken.

For some reason I couldn't get over the fact that he is just that disgusting.
Usually guys get hotter without there shirts, but he just got worse.
He has literally, no abs.
He's paler than me.
Which is something hard to achieve.
And he has total man tits.


Once again Bus Orgasm Boy has struck the city with his lack of anything remotley interesting or normal.

Bus Orgasm Boy is quite a mouthful. (Do I really need to say it? That's what she said.)
Indeed. It's quite a hassle to type.
Shall we decide a new nickname?

According to a villain name generator, his nickname should be "Web Slasher".
Wanamaker know the catergories I selected as a description?
Cutting abilities.
Disease related.

That's definitely him.
But the name sucks.
How about....
No. That book is too good to be related to him in any possible way.
Then perhaps...
Vampire boy?

If you want to, leave a comment with some nickname ideas.
If I choose yours, you will receive a high five in the hallway hopefully soon.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What a waste.

So as you guys probably know, we took at TAKS test today.
Because I'm a rebel, on pages were they could've fit at least three other questions I wrote to the creaters of the TAKS.
Here's what I remember writing:
"Dear TAKS people.
Do you not care about the environment?
Do you hate trees?
You could've put SIX more questions on this page alone."
Then later...
"You know. I don't like you people very much.
Every yer I take this test and I always hate it.
Sure, I do well.
But it's a waste of my time."

And this morning I really wanted to go to the office and be all, "I can't take the test today, sorry. It's against my religion."
And then the principal would be all, "And what religion is that?"
"The, uh...non-TAKS-taking one?"

If only I had.
Bet the principal would've gotten a kick outta that.

Because I have to complain about BOB:
he kept calling Mark "Fruity" and "flaming".
Theres nothing wrong with being gay.
But Marks not.
And he was using it was an insult, which is idiotic.
The whole situation pissed me off.
I didn't realize I had, but apparently I was yelling.
And I got nervous as I was yelling at him.
I felt angry and I felt like my face flushed a bright red.
So I yelled at him and I was like "Stop calling him gay. Youre getting on my nerves. If you call him gay one more time I will punch you."
So he yell-whispered "Flamer!" to Mark.
So I gave him the evil and and told him, "In seriously going to freaking kill you. SHUT UP."

Then later, DURING THE TAKS TEST, the idiot starts talking.
I wanted to give him the evil eye again and tell him to stfu.
But it was the test.
And I like not being in AEP.

Oh. When I think my face turned red?
That actually happens a lot.
Whenever I get super nervous, stressed, or angry I sort of have something similar to a panic attack.

But it's all mental, not physical stuff.
So I'm healthy everywhere besides my brain.
Which I already knew.

(Also, I bought a pillow pet today. It's a bee and his name is Samwise Gamgee. If you get the reference you're officially my best friend.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I made colorguard.

Stick that in your juice box and suck it.

Complain one more time and somethin's goin' down.

Lunch sucks.
I sit in the exct spot eery day that I sat in last year.
Katelyn sits across from me, then next to her is Robyn and Ciara.
Next to me is what I like to now call "The Forbidden Seat."
Sarah sat there. Robyn, Ciara, and katelyn hate her.
Then Shawna sat there for a few days because we were talking about Guard stuff and everyone complained about her.
an everyone's always complaining about whoever sits in that damn seat.
It belongs tothe school.
Anyone can sit there.

Sure, it's no fun sitting next to someone you don't like.
But it's next to me.
And if I want to talk to someone at lunch, they can sit there.
I've let people I don't like sit there.
Did I complain?-
No, I actually didn't.

Bus Orgams Boy has terrified the world once more with his diagnostic vampirism.
The dude cut himself at breakfast in the cafeteria, then drank his own blood.
He tried summoning a demon. I asked him how it went, he said. "I'm not really sure, but I woke up with bite marks all over me."
Then he lifts up his shirt to show my a bite mark on his waist.
I try to enjoy that class. I really do. But he makes it so difficult.
He brought cigarettes to school today.
He argued with me about what a succubus was.
He ruined any little bit of anything that could've happened between me and...someone.
This kid was trying to answer a question in history and he was like "Hey, hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!" so I yelled an was like "Shut up! Let him answer!"
Coach Fonville didn't do a thing.
She probably was glad I told him to shut up.
The other day he told Roger he was gonna slit his throat just to see his blood pour out.
I hate that kid.
He is so freaking annoying.
Hate isn't even a strong enough word for it.

Oh, and to top it off.
I went to Katelyns church today with Kerry, Deborah, and Tyler.
Katelyn ignored me. The whole time.

And Sarah ignores me because I let Shawna sit with us at lunch.

I can't get a date.
I totally got molested before youth started today by Dawson. That loser. xP

I saw HIM. the guy.
Twice in different locations in the same hour.
I was such a loser.
I felt like my laugh wa obnoxiuous, it is.



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Flexible band-aid.

Well I cut my leg shaving an I have this band-aid around my ankle.
You know how sometimes you put on a band-aid and it's on like, your knee so you have to put it on in such a way that it won't hurt to bens your knee?
I could twist my ankle and the band aid would still be there like "wassup motha' fukkkaaaaaa".
Just like you imagine.

Anyway, tomorrow, er-about an hour from now-is 4-20.
The national pot day.

bus orgasm boy strikes again.
And so does his new, from afar, sidekick, PotBringer.
(She brought pot to school. Because she's "smart".)

Basically they announce that tomorrow was going to be awesome for them..
And so did a lot of other idiots.

What the hell is so appealing aboutsmoking this crap and losing all control over your body and what's left of your mind?
It's freaking retarded.

Day one overview-
I had some trouble with some of the stuff, but later practice for like two hours.
Day two-
A hundred times better. I have this chicks "will", which is awesome. And I'm still having some difficulties, but nothing a little more practice can't fix.
(P.S. When a colorguard give a tryout girl her "will" it's basically a recommendation to be put on the team.)
(P.P.S. I actually am pretty sure I have the "will" o two girls, maybe three. Which is pretty impressive since it's, you know, me.)

Bragging. Pahh.
That's what your mom was doin last night.
She was talking about how I-

Awkward turtle...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Make sure they remember the night they played the titans!

There's this kid named Dylan F.

He gets on my nerves so bad.

Today in math he was talking bad about Derian, which I would have no problem with really but he was just being really, really mean.
I mean, the kind of mean that would make me storm out of the school crying.
Which is pretty freaking mean.
I nicknamed him Douchey Dylan in a doodle I made jn eighth period.

Later on in advisory we were watching Remember the Titans.
And you know how the one guy gets hit by an eighteen-wheeler?
Well we got to thT part and than Douchey Dylan and his stupid friends started cracking jokes and laughing.
And I was thinking "Omfg. This is a sad part of the movie and your laughing about something really stupid? Really?"
Finally I yelled at him to shut up.
You know what he says?
His signature line.
"You know what, Britney? I didn't ask for your opinion." then he later added "Gothic freak."
And him and Derian and a few other guys kept laughing.
So I yelled at them again.
Then this kid Dominic started yelling.
And Mark yelled at him.
And then our teacher cleared his throat in the back of the room and was like "Oh my god. Really?"

So I had to sit there and listen to those idiots make fun of the movie while I was actually trying to enjoy it.

And I have tripped a grand total of SEVENTEEN TIMES this week.
Dead freaking serious.
I am sooooo not graceful.
Ugh. I've never tripped this much before ever.
This week sucks.
And so does today.
I hate Douchey Dylan.
I hate Bus Orgasm Boy.
I'm in love with someone who's in love with someone else.
My friends hate each other.
And I kind of hate them all, too.
Except for a few.
I don't hate Mark.
Not Kerry.
And not even Roger, even if he did write on my arm with a sharpie.

I hate Azle.
I hate the way people treat me here.
This week is a perfect example as to why I moved away.

Just six more weeks and then my world will be full of cute football players with twisted ankles that I. Have to wrap up with gauze.
Six more weeks and I'll have more of a chance to be happy.
Six more weeks.
Then I'm out of the junior high.
Then two months.
Then high school, cute football players, and happiness.

I'm f***ing excited.

And later, apparently my new profile picture on facebook makes me look like a guy.

Azle can freaking suck it.



Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Have High Standards. I doubt anyone can live up to them.

My dream guy:
He has the same sense of humor that I do.
He loves music.
He accepts my old movie/music obsessions.
I adore guys with brown hair and pale eyes.
Isn't too skinny, or too fat. And atleast has a little muscle.
I don't care what color his skin is.
Can be himself in front of me.
Doesn't cheat.
Doesn't just want sex all the damn time.
Hugs me whenever I'm upset.
Even if I tell him to give me some space, he tries his hardest to get closer.
Would never dump me for another girl.
Whenever I don't answer his texts, he gets a little worried.
We fight, but he always lets me win, but later we can joke about how he was right.
Likes to listen to my iPod with me.
Has a dream.

(Yea. Three posts in one day. I'm cool. I know.)

You Make My Record Skip (Things I Love)

(The movie was inspiring. I plan to write a story about something sort of similar that I maybe might possibly show you guys sometime in the future.)
The smell of rain.
Hot showers.
(Im kind of into techno and music that sounds really haunting. It's so amazing.)
My Life as Liz
Strawberry flavored candy.
The color orange.
And blue.
Plaid pajama pants from Victoria Secret. The ones with pockets. xD
The song Chasing Cars by SnowPatrol. No matter how many times I listen to it, it is always amazing. It always matches my mood, makes me think, and has a deep place in my heart.
The Cure.
My sister.
My mom.
My dad.
My stepmom.
When im let in on the popular kids' gossip.
Nerdy jokes.
When a guy stands behind me and wraps his arms around me, hugging me.
I'm sure I'd like kissing...
Saying debacle. It's my favorite word.
Saying "Spankin'" and "What a doucher." haha.
Guitar Hero.
Psp's and xbox's.

But the number one thing I love the most in the entire world,
is the feeling I have when I know that someone loves me as much as I love them, and that no matter how much she flirts, he'll never want her like he wants me.
And in a close second;
When I can go up to a girl I hate, flip her off and yell "SUCK ON THAT!"

On the next episode of Hey, Britney!:
My Standards.

Things That Bother me

Pictures of couples kissing and hugging.
(If you want on my good side, take the dang pictures of you and your stupid boyfriend swapping spit off of Facebook.)
When the other team points out the fact that we lost by yelling and screaming.
(I would always get mad that people act like theyre so amazing because they won a second-grade soccer game. I mean, really? You beat us by one point. We know you did. But must you scream and jump about like you won the flipping lottery.)
When people point out my flaws.
(It's okay when I say I don't look good today. But you're supposed to tell me I'm pretty, even if I'm not. Thanks for lowering my self-esteem, douche.)
When little kids talk during movies.
(Shut up.)
The fact that I can't talk to the cute guy at Starbucks.
(I think I freak him out everytime I ogle at him through the drive-thru window... -sigh-)
The fact that I have the option to sit with the popular kids, but I don't.
(Yea, yeah. I'm being a loyal friend and all that crap. But I'd like to be noticed by him for once.)
That I'm seriously repulsive.
(Idk why, but I have the worst luck when it comes to dating.)

And about a kajillion other things.

In the next episode of Hey, Britney!:
Things I Love

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Completely and utterly stupid.

This will be short.
(Hm. Funny. Said that to your mum last night.)

Anyway. On a more serious note.
I'm having a bad... week.
Not as bad as others, but still bad.
I'm not talking about it on here.
I've ranted about my feeling too much already.

So, without further adeu,
I bid you fair wins,

(For now. Until im happier.)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just Me.

Hi. I'm Britney. Im fourteen and I live in a small town in Texas.
I am a girl. I cry over boys. I repeat one line over and over in my min that always gets me every time. I've had a major crush on someone since 5th grade. Every time I see him in the hallway my heart skips a beat, but then I see his girlfriend smiling and laughing at him and the moment's ruined. I have the worst luck with guys.
I've dated potheads, and the kind of guys who only want in your pants. I've dated guys who ended up being gay.
I hate that no one I like ever seems to like me back.
I hate that certain people think of some devil worshiper.
I have immense self-loathing issues because people treat me like crap every single day.
And it's always the little things thy really seem to pack a punch.
Like all those times Dylan F. forgot my name and called me Bethany.
Like when I finally got to dance with my crush in seventh grade, but his friends forced him to.

I sing really loudly when no one is around to hear. When I'm all alone in my big empty house, I turn up the radio and sing my heart out.
Whenever I cry I always hope my mom comes in and tries to talk to me. Or someone calls to say they were thinking of me.

I wish I fit in at school. I wish I could sit next to all the popular kids and be best friends with them and all the cute guys liked me.
There's moments when I can look in the mirror and feel like I look pretty, but they're very rare.
It's kind of a normal thing because I don't usually have some great guy tellin me I look pretty no matter I I have make up on or not.

I have this problem that I assume someone likes me, but apparently they don't. All though I could've have effing sworn he was flirting with me, but whatever.
I like to think that I'm funny, but sometimes I say stuff and I regret saying it later on because it sounds stupid.
I hate it when people leave me out of stuff. Like once I was on this volleyball team, but my coach never let me play. She thought I wasn't good enough to be on the court because I didn't make all the serves over the net.
But they were freaking hard!

I like the smell of rain and taste of spearmint tooth paste. I like being out in the lawn just after it's mowed, on a warm breezy day.
I like to go outside, lie down in the grass and look up at the stars and the moon.
I make a lot of wishes, though I don't depend on them.
A lot don't come true.

I don't ever make a wish when I blow out the candles on my birthday cake. I feel like it's a bit cliche for me to, and I think it's not as effective as I once was led to believe. I think back to the years when I was younger and would wish for things like unicorns and to be a princess.
Nowadays when I wish for things it's usually about finding something good in my life.
Finding the one thing that could make me smile through the tears.

I feel like I deserve to talk to someone who cant judge me about a lot of my problems in life.
My opinions and beliefs. My fears and dreams.

I'm afraid of everything. Cars, heights, spiders, etc. The list goes on and on.
But it all has one similarity. The outcome is sometimes death.

I don't really have a dream. I don't know what I want to do in life.
I guess my dream is to be happy with who I am for once, and to fall in love.

But I'm not even close.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm gonna die.

It would be a great day, tomorrow, dear Friday.
If it wasn't April Fool's Day.

And there's a dance tomorrow night too.
The first April Fools day dance our school has had.

I don't really want to go.
Because it's April fools day.

Left and right, prank after prank.
And no joke is harmless.
I dot care what you think.
Asking me out and then saying April fools?
Oh hahahahahahaha.
You're a bitch.

I mean, really?
What if I so like you? Now I know that you consider me a loser.
Only deemed worthy of your stupid prank.

I have to tell you this.
I know it's not a word but lately when someone pisses me off im like "whatta doucher."
In addicted to saying it now.

We're watching Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark in advisory and today this dudes face MELTED OFF.
it was so gross looking!
It was like night of the living dead all over again.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Colorgaurd? Me?

So I don't remember if I told you guys this or not but I am taking, industrial tech class (we call it shop) currently.
Since I got her late November k have working on a jewelry box for my mom.
Several times it mysteriously went missing, then got distroyed.
But I have finally finished it.
Sort of.
I have to put some junk called polyurethane on it tomorrow and THEN it's done.
So I'm excited about that.

Also today during advisory (our schools pompous and obnoxious way of saying homeroom) all the eighth grade girls went to the gym for an assembly thing.
It was about colorgaurd.
if you don't know what that is exactly, think of halftime shows during school football games. You know the chicks and the occasional guy running about the field waving around a flag?
That would be it.

Well, I want to do it.
And a lot of people think it's stupid or whatever but I think it seems really fun.
So I got my audition application, filled it out, and in less than a month I will be practicing and then auditioning for my schools Colorgaurd team.
It's freaking amazing.
I'm so excited.

Oh. And I asked to go the bathroom at the end of seventh period and then the bell rang, so when I got back to the room it was locked.
My stuff was inside.
So I had to ask my principal to unlock it for me. But I didn't ask, Katelyn did.
Because I'm a loser.
And the nerdy kid David got sent to the office for cussin out this annoying freak of nature named Chase.
And I had to takenthe little sheet of paper talking about his "crime".
It said something like "Excessive profanity, and disrespect towards peers and the teacher."

He used the f-word.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Well, then. What an odd day.

Agh, I jut remember I have to go help edit a YouTube video. Lol

Eh, it can wait.

Today Mark almost died from embarrassment. Poor kid sneezed so bad, it was actually kind of funny.
I admit I told him it was embarrassing to watch, but the truth is it would've been worse for me.

You see, I'm the kind of person that usually keeps to myself.
I don't make little sound effects while talking, or yell out jokes in the middle of class.
Because I'm afraid of what people will think if I do something that actually tells them who I really am,

And it's kind of cool because I've created this quiet, nerdy chick alias for myself an it's awfully interesting to feel like a spy.
It's pretty exciting to be honest.
I can't even be myself in front of my friends sometimes because it's like, I have opinions and thoughts that maybe only a few people would understand.
'Cause I make dorky references. All the time. But I seem to be the only one who ever gets them.

So I don't say them at school.

And I mean, I'm a star wars geek. But do I go around talking about how Vader is Lukes padre all thetime?
No. Because society has made liking star wrs the mos nerdy possible thing.

After Marks sad little sneeze debacle (poor, sad little marcus),
We were sittin in seventh period history.
Dead silence.
Mark and I did the weird sniffle thing whatever at the exact same moment.
He turned around, we exchanged glances, and laughed to ourselves.

And yea.
I'm cool.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crapola. I'm late. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-

Anyway, hi.
I haven't posted anything in awhile and I'm sorry for that.
It is currently 12:20 am Thursday March 24, 2011.
Which means that in exactly six hours I have to get up and strt getting ready school.
I'm addicted to Mike Posner's "Bow Chicka Wow Wow". Even though Lil Wayne is in it, it's still catchy.

I might be going to the zoo on Saturday with Kerry and Deborah, if my mom will let me.
And on Sunday I'm going to my cousins eleventh birthday party.
At build a bear.
She's eleven.
I had a party there once.
When I was six.
He's getting too ol for that crap, an the only reason I'm going is because it's at the mall and I have a hot topic gift card begging to be used.

Well I hope you've been satisfied with my stupidity for right now.
I'll update later on my first day back from spring break and flex days!
Not really...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's not illegal.


People are retarded.
It's called freedom of speech.
Therefore, I have the mother-effing right to talk about Bus Orgasm Boy and how he peed on someone and thinks he's a vampire.
I have every right to say he's a freak.
Because he is.

Because I can understand being goth and thinking "oh look at me. I'm a vampire, but not really." because goths don't take it that far.

The other day he opened up his notebook and here's a page WITH HIS BLOOD ON IT.

The dude is a effing freak.
I'm just letting everyone know.

And he lies to everyone but apparently me that he "doesn't" cut.
He says he is scene.
But scene kids don't cut. The don't wear baggy jeans. And they DON'T where tennis shoes.
He's a mother effing poser who drinks peoples blood and supposedly gets laid all the dang time.

God no.
Who the crap would do it with him?
(About the blood on his paper. He was explaining to me something about makin out and bichirs and junk and then how blood workd into that, I wasn't paying a lot of attention, and then he was like "But I didn't have a girl to make out with so I just put my blood on the paper".)
No one. He's disgusting.

While he was explainin the blood on the paper story, I was staring at him and then the blood, and I wanted to throw up.
Such a freak...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ahhhh! Rooooooooooofffehhhs!

Lol dear lord do I hate dances.
I got asked out.
I yelled a lot in order to be heard.
I hated some of the music they played.

But all in all, it sucked.

Mark and I were relieved to hear Bus Orgasm Boy was going because he had to study for stuff.

And then at some point this guy I've met a few times before ended up asking me out and his friends were telling him to offer me his jacket and put his arm around me.
And mark texts me "Awkward turtle."
I wanted to die of laughter right there.

But like, this guy, supposedly he used to have a crush on my friend katelyn (who has apparently told everyone were fighting even though I'm pretty sure we aren't, she's just being a female dog).
And like, I don't like him.
And he was so annoyingly persistent I could've killed myself.
And now he's called me like a billion times, and even left a voicemail and a text saying "did I do anything to upset you? If I did I'm sorry?" sad face.
Ugh. No one likes the guilt card.
Excuuuuuuuuse me for having the right to date whom I please.

Please, God. Just one, gorgeous and popular guy. That's all I'm asking for.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sorta grounded.

Like, I decide to walk to McDonalds with Kerry and Deborah and then go to the library.
And as we were about like a hundred feet away from the library my mom pulls up and says "busted!" because I didn't ask her to go.

And then she yelled at me.

Nothing else to right about....
Except for how much the holla costs....


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So not tolerating your crap anymore!

So in advisory were watching a movie fr like the eighties or nineties called "Heavy Weight" about this eleven year old who goes to fat camp.
It's actually not that bad of a movie.
Reminds me of the Goonies kinda. (I LOVE the Goonies!)

Anyway, so this guy sittin behind me goes "Mark would do that" or "mark would say that" whenever the main character did something stupid or whatever. I kept rolling my eyes at him and telling him to stop but he didn't.
So this girl Justice turned around and just yelled at him.
He still didn't shut up.

But today when Mark was actually in the class with us, the dude didn't say anything about him. He started insulting this other dude.
And I was gonna throw Rachel's Challenge all up in his grill, but then I remembered he hadnt gone.
So that plan failed.

And on to the usual Bus-Orgasm-Boy news,
He continues to get creepier.
Did I tell you guys he told the entire math class he was diagnosed with vampirism?
Well I did now.

An he's got like "f*** you" written all over his freaking binder and I'm gonna laugh when he gets in trouble because of it.
I'm also gonna laugh when he gets in trouble for being such a creepy little freak...
(Looks like I need to be going to another Rachel's Challenge meeting. Lol)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Perverted science projects?

Well the title sure isn't as clever as usual, Britney.
Nope, wait, here's the fine print:
Another adventure of Bus Orgasm Boy.

Indeed he strikes again.
Of course he has nothing to do with te science project, but hey, I needed something to talk about.
Mark is sure that BOB (lol realization!) likes me.
I'm kinda starting to think the same thing.
Which really makes me feel bad about myself.
Like, if I was gonna date someone, it would be with someone who doesn't tell lies just to one up me on stories or whatever and who doesn't piss me off. Ever.
Not some creep who sits and stares at me during the History benchmark probably thinking vampiric bludlusting thoughts about getting bitten on the arm while cutting himself and listening to some sort of emo band.
Why can't I get one of those popular, good looking guys that everyone knows and a lot of girls would be so jealous of me over him?
I'm not that bad, jeez!

Anyways, Back to...THE FUTURE (remake starring Justin Bieber (more on him later)).
Just kidding.
Seriously, anyways.
These two girls Morgan and Jordan were at the front o my science class discussing ice storms.
There was something about 23 inches, and this red-headed girl Hailee said "Woah, Woah, Woah! That's a little perverted."
The teacher smirked and was like "you're the only one who thought it was."
But I thought it was. Lol

So on to my wonderful new liking, Justin Bieber.
Well, I even have an app on my iPod for news and photos and videos about him.
I'm such a little fangirl.
The boy cuts his hair and suddenly I'm like ohmigosh I'm so in love, I found you finally.
You make me wanna say oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh my gosh!
Lol I'm such a dork.
But I am becoming a big fan of his and I have to admit he's pretty good looking.
I think the only reason I didn't like him before is because I didn't want to follow the crowd. But in turn i ended up following a crowd of people who didn't want to follow the crowd. Lol
But now I am happy with being an open Bieleber, and I will defend that boy until I get bored of it. Lol
But that doesn't mean my Bieber jokes are gonna stop.
Oh, I haven't told you before of my jokes?
Well here's one.
When Justin Bieber was getting a sex change the doctors ran outta balls.

Doctor: good news and bad news.
Mom: tell me the bad news first.
Doctor: bad news is I can't tell what gender your baby is.
Mom: it's okay, I'll name him Justin.
Doctor: good news is it's a great singer, if you what it to be a girl, Mrs. Bieber.

Mostly just gender jokes. Not great, but still. They get the job done.
That's what she said.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Heated Facebook Comment War

So my friend posted a screenshot of a conversation we were having via text and my ex boyfriend and I ended up in a argument on the comments.
It got to the point where I told him I would seriously beat him up.

And I totally would. I haw so much rge and fury build up because of him that I would beat the living crap put of him and sleep fine the night.

I shall try copying and pasting the convo...

Ah, I can't. But later I'll get on the computer and just make a new post or something.

Anyway, I think the whole thing is pretty much over but, still,

He pisses me off so bad.

Mark and I are gonna go all Mexican gang members on him. Lol



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Banner of Lies and The Valentine List

So awhile back students at my school voluntarily fille out a little compatibility test.
Yesterday and today they were handing them out.
I got mine and was so unbelievably pissed off I could've killed someone and slept fine that night.
On my list. Number effing three of ten.
Eff eff eff eff eff effing a man!
I got the WORST people in my list.

I just wanted to kill myself I was so embarrassed. Why me?
Why him?
Why ANY of them?!

Now. Onto the banner of lies.

So there's this thing called Rachel's challenge. IRS about treaty others right and being respectful and blah blah blah.
A lot of people signed this banner promising to be nice to others.
This included my friend Mark and I.
We lied.
There's no way in hell we could NOT say bad thongs about people. Otherwise our blogs would be pointless!
A lot of other people aren't going to keel with it either.
No one really cares anymore.
Everyone at our school is one of five things:

I, like my friends, fall in to the awesome category.
We don't do anything related to the first three categories and are only annoying to those three categories because we refuse to be complete idiots and destroy our brains and control.
And every single person is mean to someone somehow in some way.
This banner is going to be worthless.
I guarantee it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines day?

The dreaded "anti-singles" holiday.
I really hate going to school on v-day because it makes me feel like the only person who is alone.
Plus no one ever wants to be my valentine so its just depressing all around.
My best friends didn't even wanna be my valentine because they were too busy giving chocolate to guys they like.
Me, however, I like two people.
And because of the 2010 act of 'dibs' between my friends and I, i am not allowed to date either of them. Because I didn't like them until after the dibs on the both of them was called.

I did get chocolate, though, from this kid named Colten.
He annoys the crap outta me.
But he was the only one who gave me anything at all for today, do I thanked him.

I mean seriously.
No one was willing to give me a piece of frigging chocolate?
Oh thanks guys. Thanks for letting me know you really enjoy seeing me pissed off at the world because no one ever hives a crap about me.

People that sit aroun me in class and get in trouble for talking even blame it on me.
I only talk in...maybe three of my classes.
But I always get in trouble for someone else.

Why don't I stand up for myself?
1. I don't have the balls to do it.
2. I have a severe lack of self esteem and can't help but to think I deserve it.

Yea, well.
This is what this crapfest- I mean holiday does to you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Victoria Has No Secrets

So I was shopping with my mom and we went to Victoria's Secret.
Not for me, though. The place terrifies me.
We walked in and the first thing I said was "Great. It's torture devices for
Your womanly parts." my mom laughed.
So while my mom is trying on this pair of sweatpants I'm waiting outside the changing room.
There's this chick a few feet away from me holding up some lingerie and she's saying, "I think I should get a size smaller" to her boyfriend.
I'm over here having a heart attack because of how small and revealing the damn thing and I can tell her boyfriend is already struggling from pouncing on her in the store.
And then this employee walks over towards me with a customer and pulls out this drawer right beside me.
The customer goes "Do you have any thongs with lace?"
And I died because the employee made me move to get them.
And then I thought, 'Why does this stuff bother me so much?'
Then I looked at the woman with the lacey thong. She was old. Ewwww.
Then at the chick with the way to skimpy lingerie. She looked like a little kid and smelt like a zoo.'
Double ew.
So wanna know why I hate Victoria's Secret around Valentines day?
1. Mental images. Ew.
2. If you mom asks you to hold a bra for her in the line and you're surrounded by men who assume it's yours.

It's retarded.

So later I was at Hot Topic and this dude kept looking at me.
I tried to ignore him and just look at the shirts held up on the wall and some jeans but he kept following me.
He was most likely just a few years older than me and he wasn't bad looking.
But then I got all nervous because I dont really have any lucky with putting "talking to" and "guys" together.
So I just tried to ignore him.
I came to a bunch of Harry Potter stuff and he smiled and was like "Dude, Harry Potter is freaking wicked."
At first I was like 'No way. He can't be talking to me?'
Then I said, "Yea I know. Ron'd my favorite character. That's why I'm getting this shirt."
After I spoke I was thinking 'No duh that's why you're getting the shirt. You big moron.'
But he kept talking about his favorite book of the series and stuff and I nodded along and listened.
Then his dad came in to the store and made him leave.

And he first thought that came to my mind was 'SUH-WEET! I can get a high school boys attention!'

Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Over. Great.

The Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl fourty-five and I broke up with my boyfriend.
Just an awesome Sunday.

Today is, as the French would say "Un jour complètement des sports ennuyeux et des coeurs cassés. Juste merde."
Which in English here means "A day full of boring sports and broken hearts. Just crap."

Anyway. Song of the day? What the Hell by Avril Lavigne.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I hate his friends. -___-

I'm seriously going to kill my boyfriends stupid friends.
"Oh, look at me. Look at me, Britney. I'm going to ignore the fact you're dating Kerry and post I love you on his wall. And don't worry, my other friend will post 'Kerry, my husband' on his wall too. But wreaking tryingbto bother you or anything and were jut friends with him."
Yea, go suck some hairy monkey balls bishh.
WTF is with all these girls talking to him and flirting with him? If he was using me as a cover up and was gay, I could understand. But he's not, so it bothers me immensely.
I mean, picture if you will, your boyfriend or girlfriend was always being bombarded by people of the opposite sex and always being randomly hugged by them right in front of you, would you be bothered?
Especially since quite a few of the guys/girls seem to be wanting the two of them to be more than friends.

I mean he's my boyfriend. I don't care if you're 'just friends'. Back off and stop telling him you love him and stop calling him husband.
Or else I will hunt you down and bunch you in the face, rip out your hair, and kick your brains out (if you have any, which you obviously don't to make a move on MY boyfriend).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sanity? Never heard of it.

So because of this stupid snow I have been trapped in my house for three days.
Today is my birthday an I can't even spend it with my mom and sister without completely losing it.
I mean seriously. I want to go back to school.

I have nothin to do here but eat.
And were starting to run out of food and I'm gonna have to end up eating grains of sugar or a handful of flour or even butter. Alone.
I'm truly dying over here.

I need food. I need socialization beyond my family.
I need my friends an my boyfriend.
But most of all, I need muhh damn chips.

Oh, and because I have gone completely bonkers I've started speaking in a britsh advent around my house and making up stupid little British songs.
And I've been listening to lil Wayne. Which, as you should know, is truly a sign that hell has really frozen over.

And now on the Notes on my iPod I've been writing a horror story.
And it's pretty weird. Like, I dunno what brought it up.

It's called 'In-Between Days'. Here it is:
In the world theres this place that stands between time.
It's weird because it shouldn't exist.
Only a few people ever get to experience it, and most never live through it.
I was one of the unfortunate who had lived through the In-between's perpetual torture only to be brought back to a "life" of even worse proportions.
Although the I-B isn't really called that.
More or less it's called the Hell of Imagination.
Because for an hour of time in reality, it's a year in the I-B.
And just when you think it's all over, you're back in reality. You have this uncontrollable urge. And a desire to kill.
And for a long time that's all you feel.
Then after that it's just nothing.
Absolutely nothing.

Night 1
I fall asleep with a headache and a black eye. I'd gotten in a fight with someone from school.
But as I close my eyes I drift to their mind. And he doesn't notice me really.
His dream is odd. Like most dreams.
Blurry around the edges and not quite clear. Nothing seems to make sense.
But I know this dream has a meaning to him.
And I also know it will not end well.

He looks around at his friends. They are in a darkened room. Tied to posts obviously holding up an older house.
They have cloths in their mouths to muffle the screams they shout ever so often.
Then a woman comes down the stairs and brings a steak knife.
For the first time I realize how young he must've been. His friends looked less than ten.
And the woman walked to each one of the boys and slit their throats.
He was last.
"Why," she said coldy, "do you stare at me so, boy?"
His answer was deafened by the cloth in his mouth.
She ripped it away and bid him repeat himself.
"B-because you made me watch," he said. "Now I know what you plan to do to me."
She tisked and shook her head. "No. I'm saving you for awhile longer. I want to make you watch them die slowly. Then experience it yourself."
She laughed maniacally and almost stumbled over. Surely she was intoxicated.
She went back up the stairs.
In the distance police sirens could be heard.
A few moments later they were kicking down the basement door. And finding him.

And then his imagination engulfed the truth and spit out lies.
The police were murdered on the spot and he came to him.
She sliced him away mercilessly.
Not giving a damn about the poor kid.

And then I woke with a start.
Because this meant that one more person was now in the I-B. It meant he was.

And then I started writing another story that's kind of like a diary. Ands it's just weird lol.
It's called 'Instead of Just Kissing'.
I'd post it, but this whole thing is already so long.
That's what she said.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Adventures of Bus Orgasm Boy and His Unfortunate Victims!

Could that Darion kid get any creepier?
The answer, sadly, is yes.

In fact he wrote a song on his binder about cutting himself and blood and all that crap.
Then in seventh period he shows me this little "saying" he came up with. It was 'We cry blood for you, darling.'
And to be honest I am truly dying as he's telling me about this. There was a number of things I could've done.
These things include:
1. Point and laugh hysterically.
2. Call him a emo little faggot and walk away. (Hoh yeah! An emo cigarette)
Or 3. Shut up and then laugh about it when he leaves the room.
He left the room and I started telling Mark about the whole thing.
Then ten minutes later he and I are still laughing about it.

Ugh. The dude just creeps me out.
He has duck lips. And his front teeth are straight, not curved like a normal jaw would be. Straight.
And those scars on his face? WTF is up with those?
Was he a part of some creepy Mexican gang?
Was the leaders name One-eyed Jose for a reason?
Did that all have these amazing scars from that one time when they were all playing a seriously epic game of chess and Jose kept throwing the pieces at his flunkies?
Or were the scars from Darions dog?

Probably the first scenario. That's more realistic.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I may seem calm, but in my head I've already killed you four times.

So blogs are for venting and crap, right?
Well good.

First of all, I have a list of names that I like to call the 'Must Eliminate Once I Take Over the World' list.
These are the names on it:
Amber P.
Katelyn L.
Darion G.
Hannah T.
Tabitha P.
Justin Beiber
Kanye West
lil' Wayne

And so on.

Second, here's why.
I the amber because she keeps calling MY boyfriend HER 'husbandddd:)' on Facebook.
I hate kayelyn because she is always in my way. Always lying. Always being a bitch.
I hate Darion because he scares the shit out of me.
I hate my cousin Hannah because she keeps saying I'm nor human, have no life, and don't know how to have fun.
I hate tabitha for basically the same reason as amber.
Justin Beiber for being in a dream of mine and for not going through puberty.
Kanye for being a douche to Taylor Swift and for failing at making a decent song.
And lil' Wayne because he's fu**ing crazy.

Bus Orgasms and Other Creepy Things from Hell

I know what you're thinking. "WTF??"
Yea, well...yeah.
So that kid Darion I was talking about...He goes up to me in math class and says, "I had an orgasm on the bus."
And I'm thinkin' 'What the hell, dude?'
"Amy bit me on the bus and it turned me on." he continued.
Then he starts going off about how I should get MY boyfriend to bite me.
Yeah. No lie.

And I'm like, "Sorry, but I don't think that's attractive. At all."

And then yesterday he asked me if I wanted to do something this weekend with him. I was having difficulty keeping a straight face because my friend Mark was standing behind him flailing his arms around nothing the word "NO!"
so I told him I was grounded because my mom thinks I'm some kind of whore. So Im grounded from hanging out with guys outside of school.
Granted, I had to make it up on the spot, so it's not fantastic or anything, but I tired.

He just scares the bajeezus outta me.

So anyways I kind of want to go to the park.
But I can't unless my room is clean.
And I really, really don't want to clean it.

Because I'm not a superhero.
Because this room is the only tropical rainforest in north-central Texas.
And because I'm scared of dying.

Yeah, that's right.

Oh, last night I got a phone call from a withheld number and when I answered it was this person making some seriously awkward orgasmic sounds. And as I'm waiting for them to explain this phone call to me, I'm thinking 'WTF is with all these orgasms today?'
Then I just hung up on them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

That One Kid Who...FAILS AT LIFE.

Have you ever been talking to your friends about some kid in one of your classes and NOBODY knows who you're talking about? So you start off ewith "You know, that one kid who..." blah blah blah. Still no one knows.
You even try to describe his/her's appearance and once again the attempt fails.
So finally you end up describing him using slightly racist or homophobic terms.

I say this because there's one kid in my math and history class who bugs the crap outta me.

This week at school we're doing some kind of "no dissing week" thing where you can't call people names because it hurts their feelings sometimes.
So apparently in first period art someone got called gay. And my teacher did not like that at all.

And the kid who called the other dude gay is this guy Darian, who is he person in question above!
The dude is f***ing crazy.
Like, fo' reals.

He DRINKS peoples blood.
He told me today that he likes emo girls who cut because they cut themselves and let him drink their blood. He likes the taste of blood.
A lot.

Vampires are cool and all, but this dude isn't good looking at all so it's just effing creepy.

Hm. I bet a lot of people at school think I'm some sorta vampire. SWEET.
but I'm on a strict no blood diet. xDD

Anyways, this Darian dude called my good friend Mark gay and later told the story to some jocks in math like it was some huge victory. He was like "I reall wish he wouldve tried to punch me. I would have beaten the crap outta him."
And in my mind I was like "puh-lease. Mark would kick your scrawny little vampire faggot buttocks any day." but all I really did was just say? "yea, suuuure."

So about an hour go my cousins texted me. Here's our conversation.
Her: So guess what?
Me: You won the lottery?
Her: We had Worth the Wait today.
(sex ed program)
Me: lottery?
Her: lol no. But we saw a boys southern parts.
Me: Southern parts?
Her: it was gross!
*snort. You won't think so in a few years when those hormones really start bustin' a move*
me: mmm. Loverly.

Oh, balls.
Where are muh chips??

Song of the day (exclusively for my cousin): "Lollipop" cover by Framing Hanley

Meant to be posted on Jan. 24, 2011

My life is now complete.

I was reading my friends blog and remembered how great it felt to just mess around over a blog, so I started over.

I'm the kind of person who says things that are really dorky but also pretty logical.
Like yesterday my dad and stepmom were talking about deodorant for whatever odd reason and I finally just shut them up by talking. I said, "If there's a zombie apocalypse I don't think the zombies are gonna care why brand of deodorant you use as long as you wear some!"

They just kind of laughed at me.

And then today in the car with my mom she was my what me and my boyfriends "song" was. And I have her my signature WTF look.
You see, I've lived my life under the impression that a couples song is the one they dance to or kiss during or...yeah. But NOOOO!
Holy freaking dinosaur balls was I wrong.

And before I go one with this story I must tell you another.
In art we're making Chimera's out of clay. Chimeras arecreatures from Greek mythology. You can google them.
Anyways we were talking about medusa when I was like "I thought Athena turned her into a gorgon because she caught her and poseidon doin' the nastehh in her temple...?"
Yes. That is my slightly inappropriate way to imply sex to adults in a sentence.
I'd gotten the phrase "doin' the nasty" from the House of Night book series (rlly good, btw).

So I said to my mom "is that what you and your loved one do the nasteh to or whatever?!"
An she laughed. "if it is then I hope you don't have an answer."
I totally died of laughter.

When we got closer to home me and my two year old sister started a "NOOOOO!" war.
For about ten minutes we were screamin "NO!" repeatedly.
It was hilarious. Because my mom was getting so annoyed.