Saturday, January 29, 2011

I may seem calm, but in my head I've already killed you four times.

So blogs are for venting and crap, right?
Well good.

First of all, I have a list of names that I like to call the 'Must Eliminate Once I Take Over the World' list.
These are the names on it:
Amber P.
Katelyn L.
Darion G.
Hannah T.
Tabitha P.
Justin Beiber
Kanye West
lil' Wayne

And so on.

Second, here's why.
I the amber because she keeps calling MY boyfriend HER 'husbandddd:)' on Facebook.
I hate kayelyn because she is always in my way. Always lying. Always being a bitch.
I hate Darion because he scares the shit out of me.
I hate my cousin Hannah because she keeps saying I'm nor human, have no life, and don't know how to have fun.
I hate tabitha for basically the same reason as amber.
Justin Beiber for being in a dream of mine and for not going through puberty.
Kanye for being a douche to Taylor Swift and for failing at making a decent song.
And lil' Wayne because he's fu**ing crazy.

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