Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crapola. I'm late. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-

Anyway, hi.
I haven't posted anything in awhile and I'm sorry for that.
It is currently 12:20 am Thursday March 24, 2011.
Which means that in exactly six hours I have to get up and strt getting ready school.
I'm addicted to Mike Posner's "Bow Chicka Wow Wow". Even though Lil Wayne is in it, it's still catchy.

I might be going to the zoo on Saturday with Kerry and Deborah, if my mom will let me.
And on Sunday I'm going to my cousins eleventh birthday party.
At build a bear.
She's eleven.
I had a party there once.
When I was six.
He's getting too ol for that crap, an the only reason I'm going is because it's at the mall and I have a hot topic gift card begging to be used.

Well I hope you've been satisfied with my stupidity for right now.
I'll update later on my first day back from spring break and flex days!
Not really...

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