Friday, March 4, 2011

Ahhhh! Rooooooooooofffehhhs!

Lol dear lord do I hate dances.
I got asked out.
I yelled a lot in order to be heard.
I hated some of the music they played.

But all in all, it sucked.

Mark and I were relieved to hear Bus Orgasm Boy was going because he had to study for stuff.

And then at some point this guy I've met a few times before ended up asking me out and his friends were telling him to offer me his jacket and put his arm around me.
And mark texts me "Awkward turtle."
I wanted to die of laughter right there.

But like, this guy, supposedly he used to have a crush on my friend katelyn (who has apparently told everyone were fighting even though I'm pretty sure we aren't, she's just being a female dog).
And like, I don't like him.
And he was so annoyingly persistent I could've killed myself.
And now he's called me like a billion times, and even left a voicemail and a text saying "did I do anything to upset you? If I did I'm sorry?" sad face.
Ugh. No one likes the guilt card.
Excuuuuuuuuse me for having the right to date whom I please.

Please, God. Just one, gorgeous and popular guy. That's all I'm asking for.

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