Saturday, February 5, 2011

I hate his friends. -___-

I'm seriously going to kill my boyfriends stupid friends.
"Oh, look at me. Look at me, Britney. I'm going to ignore the fact you're dating Kerry and post I love you on his wall. And don't worry, my other friend will post 'Kerry, my husband' on his wall too. But wreaking tryingbto bother you or anything and were jut friends with him."
Yea, go suck some hairy monkey balls bishh.
WTF is with all these girls talking to him and flirting with him? If he was using me as a cover up and was gay, I could understand. But he's not, so it bothers me immensely.
I mean, picture if you will, your boyfriend or girlfriend was always being bombarded by people of the opposite sex and always being randomly hugged by them right in front of you, would you be bothered?
Especially since quite a few of the guys/girls seem to be wanting the two of them to be more than friends.

I mean he's my boyfriend. I don't care if you're 'just friends'. Back off and stop telling him you love him and stop calling him husband.
Or else I will hunt you down and bunch you in the face, rip out your hair, and kick your brains out (if you have any, which you obviously don't to make a move on MY boyfriend).

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