Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Colorgaurd? Me?

So I don't remember if I told you guys this or not but I am taking, industrial tech class (we call it shop) currently.
Since I got her late November k have working on a jewelry box for my mom.
Several times it mysteriously went missing, then got distroyed.
But I have finally finished it.
Sort of.
I have to put some junk called polyurethane on it tomorrow and THEN it's done.
So I'm excited about that.

Also today during advisory (our schools pompous and obnoxious way of saying homeroom) all the eighth grade girls went to the gym for an assembly thing.
It was about colorgaurd.
if you don't know what that is exactly, think of halftime shows during school football games. You know the chicks and the occasional guy running about the field waving around a flag?
That would be it.

Well, I want to do it.
And a lot of people think it's stupid or whatever but I think it seems really fun.
So I got my audition application, filled it out, and in less than a month I will be practicing and then auditioning for my schools Colorgaurd team.
It's freaking amazing.
I'm so excited.

Oh. And I asked to go the bathroom at the end of seventh period and then the bell rang, so when I got back to the room it was locked.
My stuff was inside.
So I had to ask my principal to unlock it for me. But I didn't ask, Katelyn did.
Because I'm a loser.
And the nerdy kid David got sent to the office for cussin out this annoying freak of nature named Chase.
And I had to takenthe little sheet of paper talking about his "crime".
It said something like "Excessive profanity, and disrespect towards peers and the teacher."

He used the f-word.

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