Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm gonna die.

It would be a great day, tomorrow, dear Friday.
If it wasn't April Fool's Day.

And there's a dance tomorrow night too.
The first April Fools day dance our school has had.

I don't really want to go.
Because it's April fools day.

Left and right, prank after prank.
And no joke is harmless.
I dot care what you think.
Asking me out and then saying April fools?
Oh hahahahahahaha.
You're a bitch.

I mean, really?
What if I so like you? Now I know that you consider me a loser.
Only deemed worthy of your stupid prank.

I have to tell you this.
I know it's not a word but lately when someone pisses me off im like "whatta doucher."
In addicted to saying it now.

We're watching Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark in advisory and today this dudes face MELTED OFF.
it was so gross looking!
It was like night of the living dead all over again.

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