Sunday, August 1, 2010

An Idearrr.

So my friend Katelyn and I have decided that when school starts it's going to be a lot harder for us to keep in touch, since I moved. Especially because my school schedule is different from hers and I'm taking a lot of advanced classes and am not sure how much homework and chores will be on my plate when I return home.
Our idea is to simply write in journals. Of course its more complicated then that.
Basically we write in them during class or something, we right our mood and feelings and stuff we're worried about like tests or boys and such. We do that for two weeks and then when I go to my moms every other weekend, we happen to be at the library at the same time and switch journals.
Then this cycle repeats and we both write in each journal until the school year ends. Then we each keep one, and buy new ones to continue the cycle.
It's pretty awesome of an idea, if we do say so ourselves. And we do.

But I was just arguing with my other friend Sarah who is totally pissed that I'm moving away, and then I got worried that I would just lose all my friends and never even think of them again. And Sarah and Katelyn are going to be the only ones who remember me, and in a few years that might not even be true, and I refuse to forget them.
Because friends are supposed to stick together through thick and thin, not try to kill each other and move away and forget.
I mean, what kind of friend ship is that, anyways?

And another thing is that, I know at least SOMEONE has skimmed through my blog. But of course, no followers. I really don't care if you follow me or not, I just have a blog so I can pretend I'm venting to a friend who cares to listen to my yap yap yap about how my life totally sucks one day and is the greatest thing ever the next.
Like I said, I don't care.

But lately that whole re-doing myself and getting a new look and stuff like that has totally failed because we went shopping for school clothes and went to Target (shopping for underwear is terrible with your dad and step mom cracking jokes to embarrass you lol) and Kohl's. At Kohl's, as most know, is the Avril Lavigne Abbey Dawn line. And I LOVE that line. So I pretty much bought one of everything of hers, including a very awesome pair of skinny jeans.
I got some mossimo skinny jeans, pure black, and i LOVE them, too.

And I just got a text from my step mom, Laura, saying "Yea, it is a good song. Oh, by the way, I have a softball game tomorrow, and I'm taking you."
She's at work and we were talking about the song "Glitter in the Air" by P!nk.
Yea, we're awesome like that.

Okay, right now I'm listening to a song called Lithium by Evanescence, and it is AWESOME. I forget how much I loved Amy Lee's voice until a few days ago when I was playing Halo and thought about songs that would've fit the suspense of the battle I was enduring and I thought of this song.
So yea...

Lol, I'm leaving now. Before I type a novel. lol

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