Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Fresh Start?? Please.

So after careful consideration I decided to move in with my beloved father. My mother had it set in her mind that I would return home along with my younger sister and friend later today, but alas she is wrong.
To be honest people keep asking me why, and I really dont know. Like I cant care to admit it to myself or rather I truly dont know. Maybe its a desire to become someone I had the chance to over the summer anyways, but wanted a reallly fresh start.
Maybe its the need to being again, to make new friends. To start over and live a nice, good life with people that care.
Or is it because my mother seems to fail at wanting to be with me at all? I cant set my mind on it.

Im watching Keith, a movie with Jesse McCartney in it, while my friend is asleep on the couch next to me. She passed out an hour or so ago, which is probably good. Its four in the morning here, and Im just bored. Not tired. Not angry or sad. Just bored.

Being the normal epic ninja that I am, I would find something to do, or take apart and reconstruct, usually. But today its to risky because if my parents find me up I will be murdered. Okay, not literally. But skewered with dishwashing and dirty laundry for a month. No fun. At all. Trust me, it sucks.

The movies over! Aw. My back hurts. Maybe I should write for deviant art now. Especially since I told myself thats what I would do. lol, Im so intelligent.

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