Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Hope Your Happy Now

Mood: Throat Ripping worthy....
Listening to: DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love- Usher ft. Pitbull

Listen, Layne. I'm your friend. I always will be. But you are going to ruin this whole thing if you keep trying to convince me to go to homecoming with you without even technically asking but just simply suggestiing I attend the game with you. I'm sorry, but the only person I would really truly like to go with is Tyler. Understand? No. Of course. Otherwise your persistant texting wouldve STOPPED.

Okay so tuesday was fine. Wednesday, too. Thursday fantastic. Friday, the best.
Friday; My Leadiship and Theather Arts teacher had us do this thing where we take five things from home that has to do with what our hobbies are and the kind of person we are. I took: My ipod, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, my grandma's ring, a drawing of mine, and last my Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess game case. Umm, when I was explaining I liked video games I had several male students raises their fists in approval and then later ask me what games I played. So later, in my second showing of my crap, for Theater I explained, "So, I use my time wisely by playing a bunch of video games. I play Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and even stuff for the XBox 360, like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare." The guy I like, Tyler, smiled and then when "break" came along he asked me what my gamertag was and told me his and was like, "We should team, sometime. Do a little recon against those older losers." And we both sorta laughed.
Ohmigosh he is so cute.

But so is Val, that adorable seventh grader that gets made fun of for his name. He is sooooo cute. And has the coolest shoes, I must say. haha.
And John is hot, too. He looks like Bradley James. Like, seriously.

Anyways, I guess that's it for tonight. I seriously need to go to sleep, or Im gonna be effing tired tomorrow morning. So...goodnight, sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs eat you in your sleep. :))

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