Friday, August 20, 2010


Okay, so about thirty minutes ago my dad and I left our house to go to my school and get my schedule and meet all my teachers. Apparently, because I'm new, they havent even printed it out yet. So we asked the VP about it and he was all "Well because she's so new and hasnt signed up for any electives or anything, we might just have to do all that the first day."
Now hold up! Dont get all mad because it sounds like hes being retarded.
You see, the first day of school is what most would call "Orientation". We all meet in the auditorium and discuss schedules and such.
So what I'll be doing is walking into the office at the beginning, signing up for electives, and then going to the auditorium. Yay!

Er, yeah....

And! Cute boys. Lots of 'em.

Also I think with my all cool nonchalant head nod, I think I made a few friends. Haha.

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