Saturday, August 7, 2010


Walmart is the answer to all things in life.
Need ducktape? Walmart.
Need milk? Walmart.
Nee- Walmart.
Dude, you didnt even let me finish. I was gonna say need a prostitute.
You can get those at walmart too! Theyre located next to the cookie isle.

So today I went on a little trip to Wally-world with the fam. We always walk around the electronics department and look at games and such. But as we crossed the computer isle my father pointed out a shiny little purple netbook and said, "Would you want something liek that for christmas?" I just stared at like I was on crack. It was awesome. So my dad took that as a yes and said, "Well, be lookin' forward to it." And I almost fell over.
Since I was probably seven I have always wanted a laptop, because they are awesome. And I used to have one that was old and a hand-me-down when my mother got herself a brand spankin' new one. And it was great, lasted me a year, and crashed. When it crashed, my heart stopped and I lost everything. It was really depressing to lose some of my writings and stuff.

That was about two years ago. A lot of computer crap has happened since, but now that my parents are allowing me a comp in my room (still technically isnt mine) and I have been totally awesome with it, I guess theyre will to give me enough responsibility as to take care of my own computer. which is awesometastic.


But anyways I want to show you guys a pick of the netbook I will be recieving in...four months. But I cant, so...grrr! Which seems like quite a while, but I have schoolt o keep me occupied.

Speaking of, apparently I was wrong? Or my dads friend was wrong?? School starts the twenty-THIRD of this month, and I will be, unfortunately, attending the junior high instead. Which is weird because the website confused me.

But whatever. I dont care.

Anyways, latuhhh!

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